Sunday 6 September 2009

Firhill for frustrations

3,694 fans at Firhill for the Warriors' first game of the new season, apparently. Not enough to spill over into a 2nd stand, but better than in years gone by. Unfortunately said crowd still includes two drummers who can't actually play the drums, though they make lots of noise trying. We got in just before kick off and almost sat next to them before spotting the paraphernalia and making a sharp exit from that row of seats. Still too close for comfort though, a chap behind us made regular threats to kill them and he was saying what lots of people were thinking. Still, compared to years gone by it's good to be complaining about too much noise at Glasgow games.

Big crowd also means 15 minute plus queues for drinks, even if you join said queue 10 minutes before half time. When I finally got my order in, the bar staff announced that they only sell alcohol (not an option for Viv); and all soft drinks have to be procured from a separate counter nearby. With a separate 15 minute queue!! I spotted an unopened bottle of lemonade behind the bar, asked for a glass, and was told this was only for shandies. So I asked for a shandy without any beer. The mental gearsticks whirred and clicked for a few seconds, and lemonade was eventually handed over, 'just this time, mind'. Well fine, provided they stock some real soft drinks at the beer bar next time. The current system will do nothing to encourage designated drivers.

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